When Seafield Maha Mariamman is Asked to Move

Anukyai a Necessary Ritual

 Well well...firstly I consider myself eligible to comment on the incidents that took place at the Seafield Mariamman Temple recently. Simple because I have been living in Subang Jaya for the past 16 years. Ever since then I have been visiting and worshiping in this temple. Secondly, when everyone has their version of the story, I too can have my version simply because I have been involved with temple rituals and I understand the Agamas.😉

Anukyai (permission) is an important ritual as per the Agamas. This ritual is to seek permission from the Moolavar (main residing and prevailing deity of a temple) for any initiatives that the temple management wish to pursue. Bearing in mind, as per the Agamas, the temple does not belong to a single person or a group of persons. A temple is considered the abodes of the God and the rightful owner is the Moolavar, Sri Maha Mariamman Herself. The temple management, priest and devotees are just executors of the Almighty's wish. When someone performs an activity in a temple, even to clean the temple compound or to perform renovations, or to perform a ritual, that is termed as Seva (service) as per Sanatana Dharma. Only with the God's will, one will be able to perform these Kiriyas. Even when a Yagna or prayers is performed, the priest would first obtain permission- Anukyai from the Almighty. Here, the ego of "I did this', 'I did that' for the temple is utter nonsense. If we are not blessed, we can't even step into a temple. As per the Sivapuranam, it says, ''அவனரு ளாலே அவன்தாள் வணங்கிச்'' (Avan Arulale Avan Thaal Vanangi). Meaning: Only with His grace, I  bow to his Feet. For an example, many can wish to visit a particular temple, say Tripathi at least once in this life time, but if there is no Kadaksham (blessings), that wish will not materialize no matter how hard one tries. Baring in mind, when it comes to Seva or service to God, there is no I's and Me's, there's only God and His bliss. Now coming back to Anukyai, when the temple relocation was planned, did the temple authorities along with the land buyer, donor, etc visit the temple to seek permission for the relocation? Under whose instruction was the new land assigned and Balaalayam (temporary temple) built? It can be the court, it can be the highest authorities in the man made hierarchies, but we failed to realize that the designated land and temple does not belong to anyone in this man made hierarchies. Some says the temple is 40 years old, some claim it is 127 years old, whatever the number is, Sri Maha Mariamman has decided that she will reside on this said piece of land and grant boons to her devotees from this location. If that is the Sangalpam (decision) of  the God, then no one can intervene and change the Sangalpam without Sri Maha Mariamman's consent.  If you think your money can do anything and everything, if you think a man made's law and order supersedes the nature's law and order, you are wrong. This fiasco goes to show that you can't buy God and you can't move the Almighty as you please. Consensus has to be reached not just between the buyers and sellers, but through the Aacharya (priest) of the temple, Anukyai needs to be obtained from the Moolavar with true devotion. That would have eased the relocation process and would not have caused so much chaos as happened in the recent days. In contrary, the Seafield Maha Mariamman temple  Aacharyar is performing Kala Bhairava Yaagam and Chandi Homam to retain the temple in the present location. Under such circumstances, what can one expect besides chaos and blood shed? In fact, on a positive note, the Almighty is going to remain on this existing site with a greater, grander and magnificent temple.  
Just to side track a little, human needs and greed is endless, we continuously seek for development, prosperity and wealth. The more we gain, the more we want. If the said temple has been situated on that piece of land for 127 years. built by the Indians during the Estates era, why should we now claim ownership of the land? These endless development and infrastructure building can go on and on and on. The intangible values of Indian heritage and cultural development in this country is greater than the mere dollar value of the land. The temple should remain, more so when some parties tend to take the opportunity to create racial tension among peace loving Malaysians.


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