I Bow Thou only by Thy Grace

I know the title of this blog is not necessarily in the best archaic form. Well, I'm not Shakespeare. I just wanted to mean 'Only by your grace, I bow to You. the 'You' and 'Your' hear signifies the highest form- God as we all term.

In a Sivapuranam verse from Thiruvasagam rendered by Manikavasagar, he says, அவன் அருளாலே அவன் தாள் வணங்கி (avan arulaale avan thaal vanangi). Here, it can be interpreted to mean one needs to be blessed to pray (bow). We are all human beings and we all have the same forms in different appearance and names. How many among us are privileged enough to bow to the feet of the Almighty? Hence, I consider this a rare opportunity and blessing bestowed on selected individuals. 

It is a blessing to hear to His Naama (name) and chants of the holy scripts. It is a blessing to be able to visit a temple and get Darshan. It is a blessing to sip the Theertam, (holy water). It is a blessing to be able to chant the name of God or recite His praise. In Sanatana Dharma we appreciate the fact that we take births based on our Karmas (doings). The soul undergoes transformation from birth to birth. From plants to a fish to Amphibians to birds, to less intellectual mammals to high intellectual mammals etc. Some living beings have single sense to 5 senses. Human beings are generally the smartest with 6 senses, the 6th being the ability to think. Such a rare birth of human birth is regarded highly and this is the birth that we take to worship and seek refuge from God to end the cycle of birth and death, ultimately attaining Moksha (the state of true bliss remaining forever in the abodes of God). 

Avvaiyaar goes to reiterate to be born a human is the greatest gift. 

அரிது அரிது மானிடராதல் அரிது 
மானிடராயினும் கூன் குருடு செவிடு பேடு நீங்கிப் பிறத்தல் அரிது 
கூன் குருடு செவிடு பேடு  நீங்கிப் பிறந்த காளையும் 
ஞானமும் கல்வியும் நயத்தலரிது 
ஞானமும் கல்வியும் நயந்த காளையும் 
தானமும் தவமும் தான் செய்தல் அரிது. 
Aridhu aridhu manidarai pirathal aridhu, 
adhaninum aridhu goon, kurudu, sevidu pedu neengi, pirathal aridhu, 
nyanamum kalviyum nayathal aridhu, 
dhanamum dhanamum seivadharidhu 
To be born a human is most venerable; even more revered is to be born as a human without a hump on the back, blindness, deafness or sickness. Also rare is to have the free will to seek knowledge, to learn and to have the ability to do charity/help others.

Hence, I consider this is the opportunity for me to repent, correct, seek penance, seek refuge, self realize and serve. 

When we embed the habit of doing daily Saadhana (spiritual practices) and prayers in our routines, then it becomes part and parcel of us. It is like the other daily routines, if we fail to fulfill, our day doesn't feel right. Like a coffee lover, if he/she doesn't start the day with a mug of coffee, he/she is not able to 'function'. Similarly, when we start doing daily prayers in one form or the other, it becomes a routine and it only further enhances our ability to self realize. After all, it is a matter of determination and being a self starter. Once u kick start this habit, it automatically inculcates with persistent instruction. So why not make the first move?

It takes some little amount of self reflection to ponder upon this article and self appreciate the fact that we are born humans. let us savor the moment, this chance given to us and let us bow to Him.


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