Why do We Pray, What do We Think About God

Often times, we come across friends or family members pondering upon or even get into discussions on why do we pray and what do you think about God. It is interesting to realize that at some point in time we all start to think and self reflect on various matters. It can be about the job we do, the family we have, or at times it is of more subtle, like God. When it comes to prayers and spiritual practices, a highly spiritual person would normally get the answer from within. When one matures into self realization, knowing thyself, you tend to appreciate the fact that the God that dwells around you, in the temple, in the various forms you worship and religious teachings you follow, actually dwells in you, within you. Hence, ASAVADHITYO BRAHMA, BRAHMAIHAVASMI - THIS SUN IS BRAHMAN; BRAHMAN IS THE ONLY TRUTH; I AM BRAHMAN. If I am brahman, then why do I pray to a form, in a temple, following a religious teaching, practicing some Saadhanas (spiritual practices)? Though when we start to appreciate that you are the Athma (soul), and not the body that functions, as a matter of fact, we are still in search for a higher spiritual truth. Here I am not
comparing oneself to a great saint or an Aghori that has renounced all worldly attachments and has happily settled down in the Himalayas. We still have our duties and responsibilities to fulfill as a student, a working subordinate, a spouse, a parent, a child, etc. On those lines, we mature (spiritually) gradually. We should aim to incorporate prayers in our daily routines. Perform the Saadhanas as per the teachings we belong to.
Attend Satsanghs (spiritual get together) together with our family and friends. Indulge in temple services, observe festive events and so on. Eventually, these become part and parcel of our lifestyle. Without us realizing, it cultivates positive thinking, ability to face life as it comes and eventually, we start hearing to the inner voice in us. That serves the whole purpose of prayers. Some faiths term that as guiding/guarding angel. In Sanaatana Dharma, that's nothing but the God, who is you yourself, Athma...


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