Glory of Thirunyanasambandar
Thirunyanasambandhar is well known for rendition of hymns in praise of Lord Shiva. His hymns are classified as Thirumurai 1, 2 and 3 in the 12 Thirumurai compilation. Although his hymns are generally termed as Thevaram, but initially it was called as Thirukadaikaapu. Thirukadaikaapu forms the first 3 Thirumurai. Thirunyanasambandhar recited his first hymn at the age of 3. T hirunyanasambandhar lived during the 7th century. He was born in Seekaazhi, now wrongly called Sirkali , and was believed to be breastfed by the goddess Parvati herself , whereupon he sang the first hymn. On the request of queen of P andya d ynasty (Mangaiyarkarasiyar), Thirunyanasambandhar went on pilgrimage to south, defeated Jains in debate, the Jains' provoked Sambandhar by burning his house and challenging him to debate. Thirunyanasambandhar eventually won over them . He was a contemporary of Appar, another Saiva saint. Both were thick friends and propagated Saivism teachings ...