You are Divine

Often, we keep reflecting on the aspects of sorrow, troubles, dissatisfaction, 'unfulfillments' in our lives. We keep pondering upon these, we keep talking about these, we keep mourning upon these. When we fail an job interview for a job that we really wanted, we consider ourselves unlucky and we become demotivated. We keep thinking and talking about this misfortune that the ill feeling starts taking control over us. When we attend the next job interview, we reflect on the previous failure and we assume that this job interview will also not be a successful one. Such thought takes control over our perception, behavior, attitude and approach towards the interview session, the interviewer and the organization as a whole. No doubt, due to our own actions, we fail this interview as well. Such scenarios can be applied on various other events that happen in our lives throughout. We keep promoting the aspects of negativity within us. Going back to the 1st job interview again...w...